Wednesday, December 23, 2015

[Poetry] Perspective

I wrote this poem entitled "Perspective" in honor of one of my patients on my neurology clerkship service. Señora, gracias por todas las lecciones de vida que compartió conmigo. Me encantó nuestras conversaciones y las aprecio.

"You are stupid.
Don't think for a single second
You know your disease!

To be there for your family
To be strong for your children,
What you say is closest to your heart - 
What is most important is
To succumb to your illness.
You must learn not,
If you want to find happiness,
To find hope amid the darkness
Surrender to the battle!
After all, acceptance is the
Solution to the chronic state.
Don't you see? This is not a 
Proper way to grieve!
There is no
Counting your blessings
Won't stop the disease. You should be
Wallowing in sadness.

My dear, don't you get it yet?
Yes, you have multiple sclerosis!"
"Yes, you have multiple sclerosis."

"My dear, don't you get it yet?
Wallowing in sadness
Won't stop the disease. You should be 
Counting your blessings.
There is no
Proper way to grieve.
"Don't you see? This is not a 
Solution to the chronic state.
After all, acceptance is the 
Surrender to the battle.
To find hope amid the darkness,
If you want to find happiness,
You must learn not
To succumb to your illness."

"'What is most important is
What you say is closest to your heart - 
To be there for your family
To be strong for your children.
You know your disease.
Don't think for a single second
You are stupid."

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